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sorry im only getting back to you a year later. I haven't tried photolithography yet either, but I'd like to. I did try this thing where you use a laser engraver to etch a pattern on Kapton tape to make capacitors. worked pretty well. I think it could be possible to make other electronic components that way too. It's because the Kapton tape for some reason oxidizes into graphene when you hit it with the laser.
geouniversal 3 years ago

do you have access to a big-boy laser or are you using something a little more accessible? this is so cool

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extra-sugar-extra-salt 3 years ago

it's not really big big boy laser it's a 5W laser engraver. it won't cut wood but it will engrave on it. I have to dial it back a little to not burn through the tape.

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Man it's about time for an update hu. We need more.
you are into some extremely cool shit.
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geouniversal 5 years ago

i don't get that a lot, you must also be a nerd ha

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I had a portable TV a lot like the Casio TV-480. The digital switch rendered it useless and I was heartbroken :'(
extra-sugar-extra-salt 5 years ago

I found a uhf/vhf signal booster, and I have it connected to an antenna and also to my VCR, so I am able to broadcast movies to it within my home. If you give it digital input through the back of the VCR with RCA cables you can broadcast just about anything to it.


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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedJan 1, 2019
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retroanime vhs retrogaming transhumanism technology