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Audiotory was updated.
1 year ago
I noticed that you followed me, so I visited your site. I can relate to you because I also work a corporate job that drains the life out of me. In response, I also try to reabsorb that vitality through appreciating the beauty the world has to offer.
ornithopter 1 year ago

corporate workers unite to find joy in the everyday things!!! twilight's burden was such a wonderful experience read, thank you for sharing!!

1 like
audiotory 1 year ago

I very much appreciate it, my friend! The page is still under construction and I hope the experience is much less clunky in the future lol.

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Audiotory was updated.
1 year ago
1 like
Audiotory was updated.
1 year ago
Audiotory was updated.
1 year ago
Audiotory was updated.
1 year ago
Audiotory was updated.
1 year ago
Audiotory was updated.
1 year ago
Audiotory was updated.
1 year ago
Audiotory was updated.
1 year ago

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedNov 25, 2021
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