Den of Elari

2,088 updates
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Tweaking rn i lost my raichu plushie at school
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denofelari 7 months ago

RIP raichu you will be missed

aioi 7 months ago

THAT'S THE WORST EVER?!?? i hope someone finds raichu..

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Wow, I Love the idea of your blog, even if the reasons from creating it are not so great. Coming from a fellow Catholic who just recently became practicing, you are not alone in your struggles! I read some of your entries and after I read 'Mary' I remembered that someone once said to me that falling asleep while praying it's like a child that falls asleep in their parent's arms, without guilt. I hope you are well!
denofelari 7 months ago

Thank you for the kind words <3, and wow i never heard of the falling asleep in prayer thing until now, its such a beautiful and comforting thing. Thank you and God Bless!

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hi! you are loved! :] reading your blog was a beautiful + warm experience because of the familiarity that came with being closeted (to my family) myself and i related to you on several accounts.. especially the fawning part LOL hope to read more from you!!!
denofelari 7 months ago

Aw tysm for the kind words πŸ₯², it really means a lot to hear that my blog resonated with you. Sending lots of love! <3

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1 like
I just wanted to say hi as I enjoyed reading your site, I adore the collections you have in your gallery! It's gorgeous! It's also comforting to find your site as a well... fellow gay and Catholic (well trying to get back) haha... the QnA made me laugh as well especially the 2nd! I really wish you the best and have a lovely week so on!
denofelari 7 months ago

Aw thank you so much for the kind words, and I'm so happy that you liked the blog, especially the gallery and the Q&A! Wishing you a wonderful week as well! Take care!

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When the person that ruined your life is having the time of their lives while your suffering for the stuff they did to you just hurts man. It's hard to forgive.

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedJan 31, 2024
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personal catholic blog diary