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thanks for the follow! whats ur favorite??? mine's pretty obvious :ppp
my fave is oot! i played botw this year and loved it,, and im currently playing skyward sword!! im enjoying it soo much lolo
nse pq hablamos ingles jahajahjh soy de chile lel,, yo estaba jugando oot pero me enoje con el templo del agua y aun no retomo jej
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my bad for the late reply but my acc was new hehe, genuinely i didn't knew that u could follow people here so i was just surfing adn stumbled upon ur site, found it cool, and hit follow!
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thanks for the follow! whats ur favorite??? mine's pretty obvious :ppp
my fave is oot! i played botw this year and loved it,, and im currently playing skyward sword!! im enjoying it soo much lolo
nse pq hablamos ingles jahajahjh soy de chile lel,, yo estaba jugando oot pero me enoje con el templo del agua y aun no retomo jej