361 updates
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I think I am gonna switch out my index and use the Welcome to my Website picture as the frontpage and use the current index layout as the homepage so I can plop more information down on it when people visit my site. There's a few things I definitely need to change out.
Merry Christmas Everyone
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Editing finally is starting to come along. I got frustrated with Microsoft Frontpage 2.0 and downloaded Microsoft Expression Web 4.0. I will still be using Frontpage for more simple stuff but Expression Web is just a bit more easier to use.
I found myself using Microsoft Frontpage 2.0, I am making a site based on that editor because I can easily place things where want plus I can have that authentic Late 90s Early 2000s website feel. Hopefully I can transfer that over here to NeoCities to change up how my Website look in the near future.
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federiefederi 1 year ago

Hi, please consider supporting our neocities community project by giving us a follow... we're trying to help smaller sites gain more reach and your support would help a lot! thank you ❤

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Last updated 11 months ago
CreatedFeb 22, 2022
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2000s 90s art music y2k