Yurmom5 - Homepage

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google executives really dont know how annoying it is to try and search for frames from a show to reference and just see renders n shit
opentoonz brushes be goated as fuck why couldnt flash come with this many brushes
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just realized mortimer mouse "peteis" is just pingas 2.0
burhfart 8 months ago

you can kill the man but not the idea

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what the FUCK is a fire in the hole
cake walk is going to be replaced, lmms kinda sucks (and is outdated), fl studio is trial only, now what
burhfart 8 months ago

by outdated i mean hasnt had an updated since 2020

burhfart 8 months ago

minor spelling mistake

schrodingers take: "traditional art > digital art" gotta be the most biased ass take i ever seen
burhfart 8 months ago

if you prefer traditional art over digital art thats fine but to say its objectively better than digital art is stupid

burhfart 8 months ago

that being said i honestly like digital art when it was tryna imitate cel animation (please be understandable)

burhfart 8 months ago

(i really dont know how to make this make sense)

can we let this motherfucker not own a single company ever again
i suck so much at mashups
burhfart 8 months ago

tryna mashup li magnifico cornuto with running from evil

burhfart 8 months ago

beach parade

burhfart 8 months ago


we need a "shitty flash smoothing" version for every animation ever, period
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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedAug 21, 2022
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games music reallyfuckingcool flash animation