Yurmom5 - Homepage

854 updates
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tahoma 2d dont got edit multiple frames
make animation, "no this shit too stressing." make music, "cant think of a good melody"
figured out a way to make the making of new cartoony less doodoocheeks, i just draw the guy first then do the back ground later
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burhfart 5 months ago

do NOT fucking do this to me bro PLEASE

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internet archive came back but its only wayback machine
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tw:the dud. guys i was playing a game and.... :(
when that program you running eat your fuckin taskbar like what the fuck mang how do you even do that
istfg if internet archive shut down PERMANENTLY
fabled 5 months ago

I'm actually very concerned with what this will mean for my other sites, which rely heavily on the archive itself. I did not archive the material on my own machine because I am not the brightest tool in the shed.

just found out that one of my videos was uploaded without audio for a WHILE, fuck man
burhfart 5 months ago

for some reason the new export STILL dont have audio so youre going to have to view the funny wheat video like this :( (unless you can watch the swf in some player

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedAug 21, 2022
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games music reallyfuckingcool flash animation