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just realised the mega man soccer guitar is the midi guitar LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO
dragon ball? more like dragggin these BALLS!!!! XD /j
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cant wait for the bill clinton kid to announce that the paw patrol game is goty
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has anyone made an image sorta like the modern spongebob vs classic spongebob memes but its with orbulon instead cause god his height really decreased
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burhfart 1 year ago

i mean shrink mang

burhfart 1 year ago

they even got rid of the sick ass boots and made the cape one color this is NOT my orbulon mang

musical artifacts is still hacked odfijsijfdsjifsfsgdfgdfg
g#5 e5 g#5 a#5 (note slide c6)b5(a#5 slide make the slide 2 notes long) g#5 e5 if you have a daw
burhfart 1 year ago

like fl studio or lmms

burhfart 1 year ago

also make all of the notes 2 notes long except for b5 make that 4

burhfart 1 year ago

i recommend a daw that does slide notes the way fl studio does (put a slide note on top of a normal note to make it slide)

hey can we decrease hours needed to make a tag on neocities this shit takes a millenium
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and the mario kart soundfont
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if anyone has the animal crossing soundfont can you give it? i currently cant visit musical artifacts.
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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedAug 21, 2022
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animation games music reallyfuckingcool flash