Updated my socials to remove inactive accounts and discontinued services (RIP cohost, strangeobject.space, and retrospring). Added ko-fi link to footer
I've migrated my blog from Jekyll to Eleventy! https://arnaught.neocities.org/blog/2024/08/25/this-is-an-eleventy-blog-now
Trying out webmentions. If you send a webmention to this post (https://arnaught.neocities.org/blog/2024/04/03/webmention-test), it should appear on the page. If you have fedi, you can also reply to this post (https://strangeobject.space/@arnaught/112208263482070824)
Made a blog post about Picotron, and the carts I've made for it in the past week - https://arnaught.neocities.org/blog/2024/03/20/picotron
The first in a series of devlogs about making a Suika Game clone in Godot! - https://arnaught.neocities.org/blog/2023/11/16/godot-day-1
My Cohost archive is live: https://arnaught.neocities.org/cohost