Zep's World

947 updates
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Zep's World was updated.
1 month ago
zepsworld 1 month ago

finally adding the Zaptonia page

Zep's World was updated.
2 months ago
Zep's World was updated.
2 months ago
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zepsworld 1 month ago

updated my discord username because my other account got hacked and I couldn't get it back

Zep's World was updated.
2 months ago
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Zep's World was updated.
3 months ago
I am unable to update my website very often because I'm struggling with college stuff right now. I can only make minor changes until the end of semester, I will start updating it again in summer. I'll be adding a functional guestbook (for the love of god I need some good tutorials on this one), a whole page dedicated to my home planet Zaptonia, Zapton News, more "posts" and other stuff that I cannot think of rn.
hey! thanks for the follow!
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Zep's World was updated.
3 months ago
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Zep's World was updated.
4 months ago
zepsworld 4 months ago

I added an important note to my guestbook page as my friends all tried to send me messages through the guestbook. I don't have a database for it yet so it does not save any of the entries.

Hey! Thanks for the follow!
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appolinaire 4 months ago

No prob, love the site!

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Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJan 20, 2024
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music space fiction personal gaming