Viscera's House Of Horrors

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why is it that we can just sweep it under the rug when a popular person online is legitimately dangerous? be it bigotry, child grooming, or abusive behavior, calling it out is labeled as "fear mongering" and "petty drama". im not a fan of callout culture myself, but i cant be fully against it because i fucking hate seeing communities just ignore this shit and continue to platform these people
viscera-zombie 2 weeks ago

especially on the indie web and certain social medias, you're basically surrounded by people who see no issue with these things because they dont wanna contribute to a "toxic environment". arguably tho, this just makes the environment even MORE toxic. from creeps like ponymagnets to transphobes like vivarism, "see something, say something" goes out the window in favor of internet wokeness points. it's ridiculous.

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viscera-zombie 2 weeks ago

to be clear, i dont say "wokeness" in the way shitass conservatives use it. i just mean that in a LOT of cases people will shrug off dangerous behavior in favor of avoiding "drama" and seeming like the "bigger person". its only when the issue gets big enough and popular opinion shifts that people start to finally speak up because its seen as acceptable now, and thats performative.

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CreatedFeb 22, 2024
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