Final Fantasy IV Fansite | Sygnus Star | Circa 2004

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I'm happy to announce that the Darkstar portion of this site is now complete and the page has launched!
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More updates for the Fan Archives Official Art Gallery today! I’ve added three new pieces to the Other Artwork section. I’ve also created two new sections: SD Character Artwork and Nation Crests!
I did some work on the Fan Archives today. Namely, made the page viewport taller and got rid of the sidebar on the left to give more viewing room. I also added a new Japanese character relationship chart to the Cast page. The Official Art Gallery section has had a small makeover - I've implemented a new modal pop-up for viewing images. I also replaced a couple of the smaller pieces with higher quality images.
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I'm very happy to announce that I've finished moving over the content of the first full project to this site. You'll find a new section for the Nefol Game Project - a page dedicated to an attempt for Syn and I to create our own RPG. The project is on hold for the time being, but we had a lot of fun and learned a lot from the experience. All of that is captured there.

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedDec 23, 2020
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finalfantasy videogames nintendo games gaming