- Fantasy Worlds of Aywren Sojourner

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The Times Square Neo-Neighborhoods page has linked to Sygnus Star! This is my first Neo link, and I'm quite excited. So much that I went and worked on a Links, Rings and Affiliates page. I kept all of the original links from 2004, and dug into the Wayback Machine for pages that no longer exist. Talk about taking a trip back in time.
Welcome to TimesSquare! Your site is now listed in the Residential District:
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sygnusstar 3 years ago

Thank you so much! I've linked your site back as well. Sending my appreciation for all your hard work - this is amazing stuff and it really takes me back. :)

I fixed some crummy thumbnail work in the Fanart section today. I took some shortcuts a long time back, and decided I wanted to make images more consistent. Note to self: do it right the first time, or you'll come back and redo it 17 years later. :)
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I've got all of the character section working now, so that means all of the content for the Fan Archives is now available! I'm still going through and fixing links, style and color issues - that's going to be a work in progress for a bit. But the overall site is now fully functional!
Got all of the art galleries up and running last night! Also reworked a bunch of coding to make the scroll on certain pages (library) automatic.
Got the music section up and running including over 100 MIDI files from the days of yore!
Finally getting back to updating the Archive page again. It's been too long and there's plenty to do! I set the foundation for the Library section, but didn't realize how much coding I'll need to do to individual story pages to make them work. *rolls up sleeves*

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Last updated 27 minutes ago
CreatedDec 23, 2020
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videogames writing art fantasy gaming