sushipantsu - talkshow boy archive

842 updates
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no, i can't.
updated quite a bit of stuff, now the site should pop a bit more, look a lil more artistic - you know the deal
VA-11 HALL-A review up, new tiled background just so i don't have to deal with how annoying and shitty non-repeating backgrounds tend to be
punchy 6 years ago

thats a very epic background! did you make it owO

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sushipantsu 6 years ago

@punchy i did not, it's an edited sprite from va-11 hall-a. obsessed with it currently, stretched backgrounds are acting like garbo, etc. just seems like a better option to go with a tiled background, especially one of something i love

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Last updated 4 years ago
CreatedMar 24, 2017
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