
1 follower
214 updates
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SplootHole was updated.
4 months ago
sploot 4 months ago

updated the index. JOIN THE DISCORD :fire:

SplootHole was updated.
5 months ago
P.S. neocities should add formatting for these update posts that would be awesome. just sayin...
I know it's taken an extremely long time, but i finally have the index page layout finally finished. It looks absolutely horrendous, but it's mine and that's what matters. Now, I'm working on the other pages, which will include: A blog, a buttonwall, a guides page, and a sitemap. I'm having alot of fun making this site and I cannot wait for you people to see it. More updates coming soon! -sploot
SplootHole was updated.
5 months ago
i swear im working on the new site lmfao. the discord server is open and is posted in the latest blog post
this is so fucking COOL. amazing work!!!!
SplootHole was updated.
6 months ago
SplootHole was updated.
6 months ago
SplootHole was updated.
6 months ago

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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedApr 11, 2022
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