An AstroAquatical Adventure

417 updates
0 tips
slimebiter 10 months ago

I added a big button that links to my photography portfolio site. (emphasis on big cuz i didnt feel like resizing the graphic i made).

slimebiter 10 months ago

If you just want a pure link to my photography stuff it's at:

Wow I'm 6 views away from 1k viewers, thank you all so much! I'll try to learn how to code a viewcounter soon :D
Sorry I haven't updated ahhh ive been playing totk, but i have some plans in the works! someone messaged me some really cool code i'd like to add
1 like
OK I'm really sorry about the number of updates on this thing, I hope I'm not spamming somewhere or anything, this is still my first website, so there's probably a lot I'm doing in... suboptimal manners. This is loads of fun though!

Website Stats

Last updated 8 months ago
CreatedApr 28, 2023
Site Traffic Stats


art space slime photography music