
1,692 updates
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ur site is sooo cutez!!!!!! i hope u dont mind, i added ur button to my page :3
tomboyish 7 months ago

if you make/have made one lemme know and i'll add yours ^_^

1 like
skell3y 7 months ago

i just now made one! :DD

love ur website!!! i added ur thingy to mine cus its uber coolz
goddamn i have 903 updates.. its cus i code directly on site so ill change a tiny bit of code and update like.. immediately
the rickroll was absolutely vile. how could you do me like that.
1 like
happyniss 7 months ago

anyways, very cute site! :]

1 like
skell3y 7 months ago

heheheeheh. Also ty!!!

skell3y was updated.
7 months ago
skell3y was updated.
7 months ago
someone tell me how to make a button for myself PLZ
tomboyish 7 months ago

you can find templates on tumblr! to add the text i use medibang paint on pc and place individual letters. to animate it you just have to move the letters around and save each frame, then animate with ezgif (website)

1 like
skell3y 7 months ago

thank u!!!

skell3y was updated.
8 months ago
skell3y was updated.
8 months ago
skell3y was updated.
9 months ago

Website Stats

Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedOct 30, 2023
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