nothin' to see here, just did some accessibility changes: added lang, used nav for header buttons, header buttons are no longer headings, adjusted headings hierarchy, removed hyperlink on site banner cuz redundant, altt on imgs (mostly blank since they're for decoration, or already explained in prior paragraph)
new post! I still think it's kinda rough around the edges, but I either ponder the ways I could improve it for all eternity or I actually release it, so fuck it we ball >:U
Thank you! Love the aesthetic of your site. Look forward to reading your posts.
Why, thank *you*! And I'm not kidding when I say "food for thought", my next post will probably be about some ideas that have been brewing in my head after reading your stuff :]
It's honestly the nicest compliment to hear that I have inspired some ideas :-) So thank you
linux-user blues :(
also im starting to think that shortposts isn't quite the right name for this page? These posts are not really short, they're more posts that I quickly work on (less than 30 mins) and that don't really have a conclusion or a point.
Maybe 'blog' vs 'essays' would be helpful if you're looking for a different distinction? Or 'notes?'
that's a pretty good idea! I would have to put some of my olders posts under the blog category, and also extract the part about bass technique out of that bovember post into essays, but yeah, thanks for the suggestion!