
2,114 updates
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it depends a lot on what kind of art it is n the general size of the canvas since it depends on the image resolution ud like to have on ur site. i usually fiddle with sizes until im satisfied HGJKF im peeking at ur code rn, i made a lil test page to fiddle with it n see if i can get it working. :3
gimme a good minute to look at ur code n ill lyk what i can do for you! ^w^ what size images were you trying to fit into the containers?
doublecheeseart 9 months ago

honestly, I don't know off the top of my head. All of my drawings when I have tried to post to them have been rather large. do you have any recommendations for what I could edit their canvas sizes to be?

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if any of u guys ever need coding help im happy 2 provide where i can :3 it feels good to have a comfortable lil spot where u can ask questions n not feel embarrassed. ^w^
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hi double cheese!! :D if u need any help w ur scrolling gallery id b happy to give it a shot n see if i could make it work for u ! :3
doublecheeseart 9 months ago

that would be fantastic! I've been trying to get the gallery here ( to fit in one of the containers (on my site, the section named Art Gallery) and also resizing the pictures so they fit accordingly.

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dude i come back to neocities n 123 guestbook is dying? :( rip...
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thank u for the follow!! i already luv how u've customized the theme n look forward to what u do next!! :D
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doublecheeseart 9 months ago

thanks! I'm trying to add a scrolling gallery but I am running into roadblocks because the container won't match the size I'm trying to get it to be

hi guys!! :D sorry for a lack of updates we're super inconsistent LMAO
I miss old dA so much. This is giving me so much nostalgia.
retrobun 9 months ago

welcome to my page! :D our entire goal is to try and capture the old dA nostalgia. (its nice to see another system on here!! :D)

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CreatedDec 7, 2022
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