Ralph's Digital Record

934 updates
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Great site! Any plans to add photos of your collection? I'd love to see some Trek stuff. It's cool that you digitize and archive things. I used to have a lot more VHS too, but sadly, I've gotten rid of most of them due to space :(
cryptidetr 2 months ago

I do plan on adding photos frankly my only reason I havent is that I'm moving soon! so my tapes havent been as organized looking as usual

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ralphsdigitalrecord 2 months ago

Oh, that makes sense! Well I look forward to seeing it when you do! Good luck with the move!

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1 like
Wowza, I absolutely LOVE how you are presenting your work and interests here. The Movie page is stunning and so silent film-y! Can't wait to do some more exploration :)
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gooooser 2 months ago

Thank you so much for the kind words!! Your site has the same old school vibe as those super fun geocities sites from the 90s :-) I also checked out your work and it's so cool!! I'm so excited to see more from you!

Site is looking awesome! Can't wait to see more. Thanks for signing my guestbook :)
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1 like
this is a really fun concept! look forward to seeing it grow :)
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ralphsdigitalrecord 3 months ago

Thank you! You too!

Wow, what a website! Amazing.
1 like
ghostscape 3 months ago

thank you so much!

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedJul 4, 2024
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