
9,356 updates
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Positron832 was updated.
4 months ago
Positron832 was updated.
5 months ago
I'll try to make at least one good blog post this year :P
positron832 10 months ago

I did iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

Cool stuff!
1 like
ve3zsh 3 years ago

Thanks. :)

1 like
Hey, I saw your "Unrealistic ideas" thingy in your blog and there is KIND OF a way to change the theme (it only changes your background) just copy and paste/alter the code below if you want:
idiothahaha 3 years ago

its not letting me put the code...

1 like
1 like
idiothahaha 3 years ago

Or use the (swapStylesheet) i would show you but this thing wont let me share code

1 like
positron832 3 years ago

Wow.. That might do the trick for now. Thank you :D

1 like
I accidentally deleted one of your comments regarding the disabling comments on the website, Your probably right about that
1 like
Consider implementing a favicon. I think it would nicely complement this kind of site. I'm interested in it nonetheless :-)
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letslearntogether 3 years ago

Great suggestion! Thank you! :-)

It's hard to read the text. Maybe use a background color for the text? Or add viewport meta tag?
positron832 3 years ago

I mean on mobile, on desktop it looks good.

idiothahaha 3 years ago

ok i will do that

idiothahaha 3 years ago

Done! Thank you

positron832 3 years ago

It scales very well now :D

idiothahaha 3 years ago


Cool font!
1 like
Positron832 was updated.
3 years ago

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CreatedDec 27, 2020
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lightweight simple blog