SITEWIDE: (1) Webamp implemented! Comes with 6 songs. If you have trouble clicking any buttons, try dragging the window elsewhere. (2) Local time displayed in the taskbar. ||| INDEX: Recommended display information has been moved from the footer to here. ||| HOME: Twitch player embed sized smaller to accompany space for future content. ||| CREDITS: Time JS and Webamp embed code elements credited
SITEWIDE: (1) Favicon added (2) FFXIV button added ||| INDEX: (1) Page elements sized smaller (2) Buttons swapped for more uniform ones with modern logos* for quick familiarity (The fun/throwback ones are still within the actual site, don't worry!) *This does not include Twitter. ||| DOWNLOADS: (1) A proper 88x31 for my own site has been added! (2) Gallery of all 88x31 buttons I've made in the past has been added
Index.html is now a splash page, mostly for mobile users. (Home.html is replacing what it formerly was.) Added Credits.html so I don't get fined. Doubled the height on the taskbar to be more noticeable and accommodate additional buttons when viewing at smaller widths. Last updated & Hit count tracker added. Custom cursor added. (It's subtle) Outbound links open in a new tab. Now part of the Vtuber Webring!
Not going to list changes in the comments anymore, refer to the home page from now on! (Side note, the hit count and last update elements are broken, no clue if it's on my end or what)