
30 updates
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kirakirarin was updated.
1 year ago
kirakirarin was updated.
1 year ago
kirakirarin was updated.
1 year ago
revamping the sitevery soon!! im not the happiest withhow it looks right now T_T
hii guys!! its been a little bit, ill msot likely update the site soon - im probably going 2 remake some pages so the layout is less repetitive, which means i might take a while
kirakirarin 1 year ago

also, someone let me know that when trying to download my site button it gave them a warning that it could be a virus, has anyone else had this issue? its likely the site used to host the image, so please let me know to use imgur or just the file from my pc instead

kirakirarin was updated.
1 year ago
kirakirarin was updated.
1 year ago
kirakirarin was updated.
1 year ago
kirakirarin was updated.
1 year ago

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedMar 9, 2023
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