harry's silly social place

47 updates
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omfg ive seen someone with the pokewalker thing i had this thing and loved it !! sm nostalgia
Also am shocked by the number of ppl that are influenced by pictochat bc it was kind of the best chatting app ever, wish it was remade on modern devices
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theres no big deal moving to nekoweb i mean you’ll code html the same on the two platforms??? Plus neocities is def more mature, there’s GitHub Actions to sync to your git project, neocities includes an anycast server etc so huge pages load faster i meann here’s my two cents
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How do people host music on this website ? You just upload it to your drive and then js magic and poof?
your website is so cool !
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crygorcrisis 2 months ago

thanks. (Sorry for my javascript-related outburst a while ago)

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Last updated 6 days ago
CreatedFeb 14, 2024
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