The web site of gruzzlebear

1 follower
443 updates
0 tips
New featured video! Also, I am starting to move all of my images and videos and non-code things to a different file hosting site. Yippee!
1 like
New featured video - Vic
Update log 7/24/23 - Added big Zippy
Update log will go here till I get one on the actual site....tee hee! 7/20/23 Did a lot of things. - Added a guestbook, with a placeholder button. - Added home buttons to 'not found' page and secret funny page. - Moved funny page button. - Added 3 new images to 'not found' page. 7/23/23 - Added two new buttons to scrolling bars on homepage: Introductory/warning page for Welcome Home, and the site of alongcomesmary

Website Stats

Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedJul 5, 2023
Site Traffic Stats


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