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I'm working on somethin
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fellow 2 years ago

links are showing up as green in the thumbnails... that is odd.

i opened this fucking site, why do we have twitter checkmarks now???
Too busy to add new stuff to my site, but I at least made it less of an eyesore
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Had an idea for a new background on the main page, it'll be the main cast of Haibane walking across the screen as little animated pixel sprites, thoughts on the idea?
surenaga 2 years ago

As a replacement for goofy Rakka, or as an extra? If applied with the current background effect, it might make things too busy.

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fellow 2 years ago

as a replacement for the wannabee fauux background yeah, I think it's an eyesore right now but if I can get a proper div going on with my text that might be subject to change.

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this is one of the websites of all time

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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedMar 14, 2022
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lain haibanerenmei psychosis anime yumenikki