the lobby

3,564 updates
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a very important FAMILYHEIRLOOMS UPDATE: hello all. it is with heavy heart that i break the news no webmaster ever wants to hear. after completion of FAMILYHEIRLOOM's homepage, my laptop abruptly ceased all function, and hasn't powered on since. it possibly never will again. nothing was archived. BECAUSE OF THIS, I will indefinitely pause all progress of FAMILYHEIRLOOMS. I WILL RETURN!
MY FELLOW NEOCITIZENS! if u wanna be shouttedout on my recommended sites area i would love to know <3 chances are ur already going to be featured but just for ur always looking for new inspiration
still updating my webby but i will keep it a secret because im picky ^.^ just previews...
familyheirlooms 1 month ago

2 add context all of my coding is actually being done separately on Brackets which is like way convenienter' than the normal editor...

what the fart....its been a while
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icant figure out if u have a button or not i wanna link ur site too. LOUD SNIFFLE
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familyheirlooms 1 year ago

OMG thats so nice of u AHHH I will link it on my site as soon as it's all completed!! :D

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedApr 1, 2022
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