Enchiridion's Lair

719 updates
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About a week ago I uploaded a start of my staff yearbook page, I am still making this but may or may not be hosting it here. That is what I am working on right now but I get out of school soon so I will be updating this site asap!
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Does anyone know of sites where I can find tile backgrounds? I've had absolutely no luck finding them on my own, or at least any sites that still work :( I'm mostly looking for dark, spooky ones.
floppyjay 6 years ago

I'll send you my collection!

floppyjay 6 years ago

And I love your website and all it's darkness! Really neat music taste, I was bored the other day and stumbled upon it, and it inspired me to listen to Cibo Matto for the first time. I also love 45Grave and The Violent Femmes, and some Micachu, so I knew I could count on that page to find something cool I haven't heard either. Have a nice one, and enjoy this background collection that's been in the works for years.

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enchiridion 6 years ago

hey wow thank you so much!! and thank you very much I'm glad you enjoy the site :DD And hey that's so cool, I pretty much never meet anyone who has the same taste as me. Which I guess is kind of why I made the page :P Thank you very much for sharing the collection!!!

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Not sure why it doesn't show that I added a blog page on my activity but I did. Not much for now but if nothing else I do have a picture of the day. Also yay I can make posts and comment :) Have for a week or so but haha anyway

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedMar 28, 2018
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vampires videogames goth