elia's web

1 follower
1,504 updates
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omg I love what you've done to the site! such a pleasing home page, w minimalist css and design but in a colourful not boring plain way. Excited to see what you do next! also btw a guestbook is super easy cos you can just use an external guestbook e.g. i use 123guestbook. Some people also have those little embedded chatbox/ guestbook things which are p neat imo!
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elbirtlesclarkeofficial 1 month ago

aaaaaa thank u!! i kinda wanna do it embedded but i might hold off until there's more on the site to explore - that said i'm v happy with how i've designed it because i can always add stuff without much hassle which was unfortunately the case before i rewrote the site auhghh but yeah! good things are in store for this page i think :D

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedNov 18, 2022
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