Cuttlefish Cavern

259 updates
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probablynot 7 years ago

Hi, I realised belatedly you couldn't comment back because your site is so new. You might find some useful info on about image positioning. I do want to help :) just pressed for time currently. I can code some examples for you that might help but I won't be able to do it for a couple of days. Good luck!

probablynot 7 years ago

On the image issue - I take it's not the background image? Because that is an easy fix. If it's your lovely cuttlefish, there are workarounds, but depending what other content you want to put with it (especially text, how much, does it wrap, is it a list, etc) can influence the choice of solution. More info? I would like to help :)

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedMar 17, 2018
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