2,394 updates
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The index page has been given an update in layout! Still need to see to making the nav bar look nicer, and maybe getting a new music player thing since the SCM one seems to have stopped working?
Implemented a new sidebar with iframes! It's... not the prettiest thing in the world, and still needs some more work done to it, but now the nav is finally avalible on every page!
Added new art to the gallery and updated the stories page!
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It's been a while since I've updated oops. I do wanna add more to the site.... eventually. For now tho.... I'm doin' Art fight! I was hoping to have more character pages done before then but I got a little burnt out
damn I wish neocities would let you drag and drop things into folders (me an idiot who made a folder and forgot to upload the files INTO that folder)
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Made a new banner for the home page, and added two more tracks to the playlist
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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJan 3, 2024
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