StatusCafe widget isn't showing up and idk why but here's a link to my profile
I changed my mind about moving hosts, for now at least. I like Neocities, even if the creator is on thin ice about his AI opinions...
That being said though I do want to work on reuploading all my art to filehost rather than on the site itself, in order to save a little space and if I do end up wanting to move the site, there'll be less future hassle... But man it's gonna be a pain to do it all again T~T
In any case, I added the update thing for my comic. Something seems to have gone wrong with the CSS, making some of the boxes stretch across the page.
just updated the comic. I do wanna eventually get around to making an actual page/site section for Static Space, and some other OC worlds... one day lol
I still wanna overhaul the site, and I had been messing around with the index in VSC but I've been having trouble getting something I like... so that might still be a while away
I made an account with the same name but that may be subject to change. I kinda came up with it on a whim, but I'm realising now that it might just be a bit too cliche, as it seems everybody is calling their site their "corner of the internet" LOL. but alas, that'll depend on if I come up with anything better
Small update- the StatusCafe thing actually displays now. I had to use the SurfingWaves method, since my account was made in 2024 and apparently Neocities doesn't like that!
still might need more tweaking.... it displays my username twice.