
2,994 updates
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ppl who have a webamp on their site - does anyone know if its possible to have the equalizer+playlist sections show up automatically collapsed so it takes less screen space? i dont know jack shit about javascript lol . also just in case does anyone know a different way to add website music that is also this easy but still cute/customizable? im working on some new ideas and i think its shaping up real nice!
coffinjoe 1 year ago

oh i watched the exorcist . didnt write much about it so i ended up not posting but wow it fuckssssssss my god friedkin was amazing. plus i saw jigsaw today still gonna write about it!!!!

ok were done with the og saw franchise!!! really enjoyed these films even the bad ones. still have jigsaw and spiral to see + cant wait for the 10th one honestly . love to be updating this so frequently !!! i have some ideas for a new look for the site but i dont wanna get ahead of myself bc its gonna be a lot of work and im lazy lol .
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still on my saw bullshit and will hopefully stay on it through the rest of this week. added a homage 2 friedkin who sadly passed today - i think he was one of the greatest to ever do it. adding a new song to the webamp - sweet witches by f(x) and its soooo good im obsessed. back soon!
back w updates ! im revisiting the saw franchise so ill prob have a lot to post on the upcoming days . yay! tried changing the site font to ms gothic and i liked how it looked but it kept showing as times new roman for a few seconds every time i refreshed the site so i changed it back . does anyone know whats up with that? anyway - im seeing one of the saws a day so ill prob have one new daily post til friday ! byeee
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coffinjoe 1 year ago

oh i also added two new songs to the webamp - i think derretida rmx is fucking insane and everyone should check it out . ok bye

damian-96 1 year ago

yessss SAW franchise is one of my favourites! will be interesting to see your thoughts

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briefly back . still figuring out what i want to do w this. i did add new music to it feel free to check it out!
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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedFeb 16, 2023
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personal writing movies film horror