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Hey! I was introduced to Colors TCG through your wonderful website, and I'm going to join in on the fun myself! I'm a html amateur and time-strapped Dad - do you mind that I've used your layout as a base for my own? I've credited you! (And of course I will take it down if you don't want me to use it. I was just so excited to get started haha) Thank you for introducing me to Colors!
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Absolutely wonderful website!!! Your love of Ace Attorney is wonderful, and your 1/10 rating for Turnabout Big Top soothes my soul
wright-n-co 1 month ago

aaa thank you <3 totally gonna work on this site more soon and actually do a full review of that god forsaken case. all my homies hate turnabout bigtop.

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedDec 6, 2018
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webcomics videogames illustration dragonquest blog