Bible Notes

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Then Peter said: “If, therefore, some of the Scriptures are true and some false, with good reason said our Master, ‘Be ye good money-changers, inasmuch as in the Scriptures there are some true sayings and some spurious.
biblenotes 2 years ago

Basically everything that talks evil about God is a fake scripture Everything that says that he demands sacrifices, is jealous, bloodthirsty etc

biblenotes 2 years ago

And there is a whole book that peter wrote (The saviors greatest apostle) that specifically talks about this. And specifically tells you NOT to read pauls writings because it is very hard to understand. And also explains in detail the false doctrines. - clementine homilies.

biblenotes 2 years ago

"for god being without want, neither himself needs nything" nor recrives hurt; for it belongs to us to be profited or injured. For in like manner as Caesar is neither hurt when he is evil spoken of, nor profited when he is thnked, but in safety accrues to the renderer of thanks, and ruin to the evil-speaker, so they who speak well of go indeed profit him nothing, but save themselves;

biblenotes 2 years ago

This is just another tool to discern correct doctrine. I also think Essene is correct as; Matthew 9:13 Psalm 40:6 Isaiah 1:11-17. I don't think wine was advocated, nor a diet of flesh IMO. There is scripture out there such as these that are verifiable and talks about many scriptures being messed with.

biblenotes 2 years ago

*Essene Humane Gospel Of Christ

biblenotes 2 years ago

Jeremiah 7:21-26

watchingforfire 2 years ago

Didnt Jesus drink wine with the apostles though and the pharisees criticised him for it?

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biblenotes 2 years ago

Luke 7 suggests that Christ drank wine, but there's no verse that explicitly states he did. But i do not think drinking wine is a sin. In the apocs in the Old testament they talk about how grapes were actually the forbidden fruit, and such the vine was cursed and also how noah planted the vine after the flood in order to give it a new light, implying the spiritual significance of the messiah saving us in the same

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biblenotes 2 years ago

manner during the last supper. But ive seen many scriptures and strongs concordance that suggests that the final supper was done using grape juice, instead of wine so in my heart ive felt as if christ did drink grape juice, as christ and all of the wise men and prophets warns about drunkardness and wines from grapes, the fruit still leading us astray today.

biblenotes 2 years ago

But its a thing we cannot verify, and i will be honest about that. Its in the same way some people say christ ate flesh but ive seen different translations and scriptures that suggest otherwise! In this case i just follow my insight, what the word says and the mentality of the prophets. When it comes to drinking wine and eating flesh i don't feel as if i need to do, especially in this world where nobody's safe!

watchingforfire 2 years ago

Its cool. I dont drink anymore i was an alcoholic.. ha

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