Creator WebHouse

1 follower
20 updates
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Did you host it with github?
alexparr 4 months ago

I'm currently hosting the site with Nekoweb, which is basically a Neocities alternative. I mainly moved because Nekoweb's CDN support files over 300 MB, which helps with hosting my downloads since now I don't have to rely on third-party services that regularly shut my downloads down.

How do you make that text popup randomly when you open the website?
alexparr 5 months ago

It's a piece of Javascript code that picks a random number and, from a list of possible strings, writes the chosen string from the list onto the page.

Hi Moo moo guy

Website Stats

Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedApr 2, 2024
Site Traffic Stats


edgy underconstruction videogames gamedev funny