The web site of vigor

160 updates
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I love your posts on "drones" under "liars and oddities", particularly the part about the controllers playing both sides. George Washington and King George being the same person playing different characters, I also see this with Walt Disney and Adolf Hitler.
sitk 3 years ago

that text - HTML converter page is great! just tried it out. also love how i can just save the page and it still works! won't infringe on anything though. that's a really good feature you got there!

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sitk 3 years ago

also special appreciation for the notes on carpet trees page!

vigor 3 years ago

thanks. the text to html is self contained, it doesn't look up anything external, so it works just as is. feel free to distribute it if you want, i don't mind.

vigor 3 years ago

also i only tested the text to html with basic ascii characters, i dunno what'll happen with non english language characters or more advanced punctionation marks.

watchingforfire 3 years ago

I also liked your carpet notes page.

1 like
loving your tree post! i never considered that before, and I don't usually stop to think about the do's and dont's of trees. it's winter rn, but during summer, i'll definitely pay more attention! in winter, pines and bare trees do look like they'd collect static.
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watchingforfire 4 years ago

multi-pronged antennae are often called 'tree antenna'

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watchingforfire 4 years ago

You made an atari kirby game, ha

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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedNov 22, 2020
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tree personal weird programming conspiracy