
277 updates
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I wish i was mechanically inclined or at least a tiny bit patient. I just cleared a space in my garage to fix a bike, put it up on a rack, saw that it needed more than just new tires and grip tape, then posted it to craigslist for 40 bucks instead. Lol. Oh well. Gonna try to get my car started sometime this week so I can sell it. Wanna buy a 50cc scooter cuz they don’t need insurance. Hopefully i don’t get hit & die.
velcrowallet 11 months ago

Gotta hustle hustle hustle right now. I can endure terrible hours if little motor scooters are swimming around my head like cartoon ducks. Idk how to pick up extra work without getting a whole nother job and then quitting it in a month though. One time i found day labor on craigslist and made some bucks. Why am I more afraid now than I was as a skinny 18 yr old?

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedFeb 6, 2024
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