good to see you are recovering over time. i agree with your opinion about cell phones. it did more harm than good to me too.
Thanks. In addition I'm very puzzled when I'm in train where many people have only attention their small screens. Some plays Pokemon GO and I'm so distracting their finger movement. I needed to close my eyes to get out of that hell :-(
oh you are that sensitive... maybe try to read a book or some text that you can focus so the environment wont affect you but I dont know :(
Yes. As you said I tried to read some book to stay away from visual distractions. But when I sit down a seat I cannot cut myself off incoming light of screens especially when they scroll colorful screen like X or other socials or playing Youtube videos. So I should stop trying sit down or close one of my eyes.
Thanks but I cannot expect to gain my cashflow as i firstly imagined... but I already said to try so i try😃
i don't know your situation but owning a property always sounds like a good idea. so did you move out of city? weren't you doing this community events in city? wouldnt it be a problem if you move out? also congrats about your new car :)
thanks. I have apologized that I gonna move out to the local community I'm get involve with. But some community is internet based so I can continue my activity with them. I just ordered by my boss to go north of Japan. I accept OK but I think there is no next time. I stated that I settle the new place as my final destination. That's that...
Local community events looks fun :D I hope you can find a good solution to your vehicle problem though...
Yes. I found that it is beneficial to soothe my feeling of isolation or alienation by hosting or helping others. Unfortunately, public transportation service is poor in the rural area in Japan so it's inevitable to have a car... so I bought very small car.
game idea sounds fun. also good luck with your new car...
I had small trip but it's a short-term pleasure. I need balance it with pain, which is inevitable.