You need to rest for a spell

144 updates
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Been a while. Was in a slump and had a lot going on. Decided to force myself to get some more learning in and looks like the time away from this really helped because I felt really good learning about block and inline elements!
I wish you the best of luck in creating your website! :)
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travelersrespite 5 months ago

Thank you! I'm excited for what I'll make!

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Can't wait to try an HTML editor like Bluefin or Brackets, getting kinda difficult trying to use Neocities' built in editor when you have to guess where you're editing after already writing lines in. Been on vacation so that's why the long time since late update
travelersrespite 6 months ago

Learned a couple new elements and things I can do with CSS. Now the gif on the entrance page can be clicked to get to the home page! While it is a nice big step, I can't line out the first goal as it's not a "proper" homepage. Hopefully the w3schools gets more in-depth regarding CSS in their standalone CSS course as I want to make the site have more than a simple background color and images.

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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedAug 17, 2024
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videogames music ambience