The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

589 updates
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Thursday June 6, 2024. Second posting. I embellished with a table section 9, Appendix 1: The Unreliable Censuses of the Exodus, of "Who Wrote the Five Books of Moses?" Access the webpage via the "Further Reading" section of "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." The number of views right now is 30. Once it tops 100 "Who Wrote the Five Books of Moses?" will become an independent Neocities site.
Thursday June 6, 2024. I added a frontispiece to "Lenore: That Rare and Radiant Maiden" plus a hyperlink to Sir Christopher Lee's reading of "The Raven." Access the webpage via the "Further Reading" section of "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." The number of visits right now is 93. Once it tops 100 "Lenore" will also appear as an independent Neocities site under the tags "poetry" "christianity" and "christian."
Sunday June 2, 2024. Better late than never. In making the complex changes involved in converting the former child webpages to current Neocities websites I failed to update some hyperlinks in two to the new situation. Now they have been updated. The two affected child wepages (now independent Neocities websites) were "Criticism of the Book of Revelation" and "The Mark of the Beast and the Number 666."
Friday April 19, 2024. I have merely appended a FURTHER READING button to all twelve "children" of the homepage, "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." You may need to clear your data cache a few times to see these new buttons (hit CTRL-R twice or thrice).
1 like
Saturday April 13, 2024. I have made the same structural changes for all "children" of the homepage, "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." The changes should be inconspicuous. If not, you will need to clear your data cache a few times (refresh CTRL-R).
Friday April 12, 2024. I have made some structural changes in the website that you should not even notice.

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Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedNov 19, 2015
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christianity christian