The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

597 updates
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Saturday April 13, 2024. I have made the same structural changes for all "children" of the homepage, "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." The changes should be inconspicuous. If not, you will need to clear your data cache a few times (refresh CTRL-R).
Friday April 12, 2024. I have made some structural changes in the website that you should not even notice.
Wednesday February 14, 2024. I added three lines crediting Edgar Allan Poe three times in the webpage, "Lenore: That Rare And Radiant Maiden," just in case some readers ignore who Edgar Allan Poe was or three poems of his: "The Raven," his most famous poem, "Alone" and "Lenore."
To moheb-rofail: Great! I hope you enjoy reading them all. That's going to be a LONG read. You may find some webpages are quite controversial. Never a dull moment :D
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I've just read your home page, It's kinda new explanation but it's okey for me, I will read the other pages too.
Monday February 12, 2024. I uploaded an improved version of the webpage, "Who Wrote the Five Books of Moses?" All the improvements are cosmetic (for example, breaking up a long paragraph into several short ones, employing ordered and unordered lists, substituting a better word here and there, removing peripheral clutter). Overall nothing of substance has been changed or added.
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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedNov 19, 2015
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