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Hey bro, what do you think about your ad in my page, how it look like? :D
spacecat 8 years ago

cool thanks

1 like
ahh you have done, thank you, im working about your ad and some others...
would you do it now?
Thanks so much, but i am talking for advertise which will be shown on top page or on left/right...Do you understand? To look like Google ads, your ad on my page will look like it...
1034co 8 years ago

I don't do those types of ads. I just link to your site. I'd be fine if you just linked to mine in text, too.

So will start a collaboration?
Hi there, do you want to advertise your website on my website and in return, you need to advertise my website to your website? It would be wonderful for both us...Please leave a message to me !
g1b3r1sh 8 years ago

I don't really feel comfortable having an ad of my website on your website and vice-versa, so I'm going to have to reject your offer. :( But thanks for the offer! :)

1 like
Hi there, do you want to advertise your website on my website and in return, you need to advertise my website to your website? It would be wonderful for both us...Please leave a message to me !
Hi there, do you want to advertise your website on my website and in return, you need to advertise my website to your website? It would be wonderful for both us...Please leave a message to me !
Hi there, do you want to advertise your website on my website and in return, you need to advertise my website to your website? It would be wonderful for both us...
Hi there, do you want to advertise your website on my website and in return, you need to advertise my website to your website? It would be wonderful for both us...
1034co 8 years ago

I do that to all my followers, and I will do it now.

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Last updated 4 years ago
CreatedJun 15, 2016
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