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federiefederi 6 months ago

Hi, please consider supporting our neocities community project by giving us a follow... we're trying to help smaller sites gain more reach and your support would help a lot! thank you ❤

dude i checked out your site and i ended up playing that 'a dark room' game for like three hours straight! XD thanks for the link!
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raisingsunshine 11 months ago

Absolutely, thank you! The cool thing, too, is that it's over 90% JavaScript! Not that I'm good enough to read that code, but it sure is something. One day I will be good enough! Hahaha

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Thanks for the follow! The chocolate shop thingy is so creative + fun!
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raisingsunshine 11 months ago

Thank you so much! I enjoyed your site as well and the creative background / graphics / aesthetic!

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Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedMay 26, 2023
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