
597 updates
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caketime has been updated for the holidays!! i hope you're all having lots of fun and getting to eat all sorts of yummy foods this season, and that you all know that Jesus loves you so very, Very, VERY MUCH!!! and He would love to hear from you if you would like to talk to Him this time near His birthday...or anyday, really! that God loves you SO much and wants to know you! i hope everyone is well and ...
puffincakes 5 years ago

... and please let me know if i can do anything for you! it would be my honor if you have any need. love, laura

puffincakes 5 years ago

^^^ that said, i don't exactly have a content box up yet! if you want to email me, you can at feel free to send me a msg for prayer or anything else!!

ooh, your website is beautiful! followed!!
1 like
how do have 37 followers and no updates? xD your marketing skills must be impeccable! followed for sure!!
scarbyte 5 years ago

Following 100s of random people (with a script probably) = marketing skills.

1 like
wahhh, your site is awesome! the switch game you made is too cool. followed for sure!!
gamesandmore 5 years ago

Thanks! I really appreciate the comment! I like your site a lot too :) ~Malmadork, Games and More

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puffincakes 5 years ago

added content disc on the front page... more music and cake is still to come!

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Website Stats

Last updated 4 years ago
CreatedMar 25, 2018
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food cake writing personal