Pistalife Archive (Permanently discontinued.)

1,379 updates
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this was my favorite site back when I was on here
idiothahaha 4 months ago

weird ik but I liked it

idiothahaha 4 months ago

did I really know how to code all of this? lmao

pistalife 6 days ago

I have grown a lot over the past few years. I am really reconsidering reworking the characters and story at some point!

pistalife 6 days ago

It's just a little weird because all the plot I wrote was in Mandarin and also on a deleted platform. (I have saved all screenshots and posts, but I don't think anyone here can understand them without me translating them.)

pistalife 6 days ago

It's really funny. I don't think anyone that looked through my website knew what was going on. It was mainly a project made for like, one close friend.

pistalife 6 days ago

I mean. I was 12.

I think I might remake this ARG once I am more mature. Maybe in the Summer of my High School graduation, then we can see the difference in my 6 years of growth from this. The Chinese drawing social platform (画吧) that I hosted most of this ARG on is going to shut down. I have saved most if not all the posts left to multiple drives. Hope they will stay well.
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pistalife 11 months ago

The protagonist of this ARG was me on that Chinese drawing social media. I was 12, so the setting was kind of a Summer Camp for graduating elementary school students. Kind of crazy that I am now finishing Semester 1 of Grade 10 High School.

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pistalife 11 months ago

I'll be an adult when I remake this. Until then I hope this and will still be up and the files available for me to look through. I hate how I can't remember a lot of the stuff I did and planned for this.

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pistalife 11 months ago

Although I think I will change the characters and plot quite a bit due to the poor writing, grammar and critical thinking skills when I was 12. Maybe I'll collaborate with a friend the next time I make something like this. Who knows?

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idiothahaha 4 months ago

come back pls

i'm gonna lose it
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hi guys
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pistalife 1 year ago

love and life here

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pistalife 1 year ago

Why was I a 12-13 year old going on porn sites lmfao

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pistalife 1 year ago

i think i improved

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trans rights
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comment if you want continuation of "Good Morning, Clouds" (never will happen)
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would you look at that the site is all up and running again
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you have no friends, your life's a lie! woah oh oh oh oh what the hell
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pistalife 3 years ago

sorry mate it's the truth don't know what to TELL YOU!?!?!

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CreatedOct 17, 2020
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