Oh My Sheep!

2,276 updates
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Gimp clearly did a poorly job in saving some of my cursor files, I will have to do that again, there is a website that seem to do a pretty good job with such files.
Although I still need to see if I can get the animation for the custom rainbow move to work inside the Sheep program.
Got the Cursor and the Pointer animation to work at the same time! :D
Oh My Sheep! was updated.
13 hours ago
I think I sorted out another glitch, moving forward on the mixed cursors.
Thinking about, how to get the move sheep cursor icon replaced with the rainbow theme. Not sure how that will be worked out.
Well.... Working on the cursors at the moment..... Did some things with forcing full page and the cursor working all over and no scroll, although need to ingrain it into the main index page and there is still some issues. But I got closer to something that works it seems after a lot of testing. Have issues getting cursor to work with animation in both cursor and pointer at the same time.
Oh My Sheep! was updated.
1 day ago
Oh My Sheep! was updated.
2 days ago

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Last updated 5 hours ago
CreatedJun 7, 2024
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sheep pet website animation programming