Project Bichuunen

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This is super cute! The step-by-step making of is really interesting to follow :-0
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melbreathsbrooke 3 months ago

Ahhhh, thank you so much!!! I've still got a bunch of stuff to add, but i am so glad you think it's cool so far!!!!! :,,D

I've been trying to find a good way to say it, but I fail a little at finding the words. I love this project! From start to finish, from concept to the folding of the wonderful looking box, I love it. It just resonates with me!
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melbreathsbrooke 3 months ago

Oh my gosh!!!! thank you so much!!!!! I didn't think I'd get any organic visitors this soon lol. I'm so so happy the project means something to you!! :D:D you have no idea how happy this makes me


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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedDec 7, 2023
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