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Heya! I was wondering how you got the playlist in 'the idiot box' to shuffle. Asking this since i kinda have my own tv-with-a-youtube-playlist-on-it thing i wanna make. (sorry if this isn't the right place for me to ask this)
keysklubhouse 3 years ago

Oh gosh this was a whole week ago, I'm sorry! Asking here is fine though. To be honest, I just googled something along the lines of "java shuffle youtube playlist" until I found something that worked, lol. You're welcome to look at that code and modify it for your own needs if you want! I also edit the video starting volume using javascript.

l-legomaster 3 years ago

->keysklubhouse No worries my dude! Nice to know what i need to look for now (mostly the fact that it's handled using javascript).

l-legomaster 3 years ago

I THINK I'VE FOUND IT. (The only answer is the one that works, and probably is the one used although it does look a small bit different than the idiot box' html... Eh, this will work)

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CreatedJun 1, 2021
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