Oh, The Horror!

625 updates
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Updated my site with another article. Honestly don't know why I wrote it, just wanted to write something so I did. I would say it was an impulsive decision but given I spent 20 minutes on it I don't think it was.
horrorfan 1 year ago

It was either that or a rambling tired one about my music taste, which makes even less sense.

horrorfan 1 year ago

Anyway, I'll probably write another film review tomorrow on a film I don't know yet. Maybe Pearl or Suspiria.

horrorfan 1 year ago

Might also start a page for my drawings because I like them.

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Just written a new review on Sightseers. I meant to write it a week or so ago but I've been busy reading David Lynch's autobiography and going to film museums.
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I wrote another article thing about "modern gaming" and how the people saying it's dead are wrong. I might do a horror review tomorrow on Pearl, Suspiria (1977) or Sightseers but I'm not sure. I might also make a page about my music taste/music in general but again, I don't know. Going over my fascination with DEVO probably wouldn't be very interesting.
horrorfan 1 year ago

Also, if I do do a review tomorrow it would be on Sightseers. I love that film for how weird it is, despite having to talk about it's mise-en-scene way too often. I also really want to write something more about football, but that's more my weird obsession than something other people should read.

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CreatedJul 18, 2023
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